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To offer our support to the fight against Coronavirus, Michael of Gold Lotus will be doing a world-first 24 hour English lesson in virtual reality, raising funds for the Italian Red Cross in Lecce, southern Italy.

Michael, un inglese a Lecce terrà una lezione di Inglese di 24 ore completamente in realtà virtuale  per aiutare la Croce Rossa di Lecce a raccogliere fondi per l'emergenza Coronavirus.

The Situation/La Situazione

EN:  The Coronavirus is becoming a growing concern and it is imperative that doctors, nurses and those working in healthcare are supported so they can do their jobs effectively and safely, to ensure that we can minimise the spread.


IT: L' Emergenza Coronavirus vede medici, infermieri, volontari e tutti coloro che, direttamente e non, sono coinvolti nel settore sanitario, impegnati in una dura lotta per il bene della comunita' : è indispensabile che possano fare il loro lavoro in sicurezza e con i mezzi necessari a minimizzare la diffusione dell'infezione.  

Urgent Need for the South of Italy

EN:  Despite  being English, my home is Lecce, in southern Italy.  The south of Italy is drastically underprepared for the growing number of cases being seen, as confirmed by Professor Caruso, President of the Italian Society of Virology.  For this reason, I feel the responsibility to contribute to the needs of the community in this difficult moment.  

IT:  Pure essendo inglese, ormai la mia casa è diventata Lecce.  Per questo motivo sento anch’io la responsabilità di contribuire ai bisogni della comunità in questo momento molto difficile.  Aiutatemi anche voi a raccogliere fondi affinché gli operatori della Croce Rossa di Lecce possano lavorare in sicurezza proteggendo se stessi, i propri cari e i cittadini.

Why Lecce?  Why not National or International?  Many funds already exist to support the global and national fight against Coronavirus, which is wonderful.  However this sponsored VR event has two specific rationale:  to provide a fast and direct relief to the already stretched emergency services of a small region which normally finds it difficult to attract the funding compared to larger cities or regions, and that if everyone contributed to the fight in their own community with energy then the knock-on effect across the nation and world will be enough momentum to propel us to safety.  


The Plan - Sponsored 24 Hour English Lesson in Virtual Reality

EN:  To raise awareness for the support needed in our territory, Michael McDonald of Gold Lotus will be running a 24 hour English lesson completely in virtual reality where people can join and learn this language in exciting and engaging ways.

Gold Lotus is a language consultancy based in Lecce, Italy, which supports individuals, schools and businesses in their implementation of virtual reality tools within their English-language education. To support the emergency services during this time, please consider donating even just a small amount to ensure that the entirely self-funded Red Cross of Lecce can cover costs of gas for ambulances, protective equipment for healthcare workers and patients.

IT:  Per aumentare questa consapevolezza, Michael McDonald di Gold Lotus terrà una lezione di Inglese di 24 ore completamente in realtà virtuale in cui le persone possono unirsi e imparare questa lingua in modo entusiasmante e coinvolgente.

Gold Lotus offre consulenze linguistiche a supporto di singoli, scuole e aziende per implementare strumenti di realtà virtuale nell'ambito dello studio della lingua Inglese. Anche solo una piccola donazione contribuisce a garantire che la Croce Rossa di Lecce , interamente autofinanziata, possa coprire i costi del carburante per le ambulanze, i dispositivi di protezione per gli operatori sanitari e i pazienti.


EN:  All funds will be collected through a Go Fund Me page found here. The President of the Italian Red Cross of Lecce, Antonio Zecca has joined Michael on the Campaign's page and he is stated as the beneficiary, so all funds raised will be withdrawn by him into the account of the Italian Red Cross of Lecce using the IBAN number.  


IT:  Tutti i fondi saranno raccolti attraverso questa pagina. Tutti i fondi alla fine della campagna saranno inviati tramite bonifico bancario alla Croce Rossa Italiana di Lecce tramite il Presidente della Croce Rossa Italiana di Lecce Antonio Zecca e le entrate saranno pubblicate su Go Fund Me.

We have also partnered with Educators in VR for support throughout the event.  Educators in VR is the world's largest and fastest-growing community of teachers, researchers, students and developers exploring how VR can support the way people learn and teach.  Gold Lotus already partnered with this community for last month's world-first International VR Summit which attracted more than 5,000 members and 175+ guest speakers, so we're in good hands! You can read more about Educators in VR here.

How to Participate / Come Partecipare

EN:  To join the 24 hour VR event, please register your place for free by visiting the Gold Lotus site here.  If you have a VR headset to join, great.  If not, no problem!  You will also be able to join all the lessons via your laptop or desktop computer:

1.  Click on the event of your choice in the calendar below

2. Based, on the event you choose, register with the VR platform - Altspace/ENGAGE/rumii

3.  After registering, you can join the VR lesson either on your computer or through the application on your VR headset if you have one.



1.  Scegli l’evento/eventi a cui vuoi partecipare.

2. Clicca sull’evento che ti interessa.

3. In base all’evento scelto registrati sulla piattaforma - AltspaceVR/ENGAGE/rumii

4. Dopo la registrazione sulla piattaforma dedicata potrai seguire la lezione scelta o con visore VR o al computer.

5. Se decidi di seguire l’evento con visore VR, devi scaricare l’app della piattaforma dell’evento sul dispositivo.

Schedule Final.png

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