VR Language Lab at SELLALAB Lecce, Italy
Now you can learn English in virtual reality at our physical base - the SELLALAB coworking space in Lecce, southern Italy.
SELLALAB, part of the Italian SELLA Bank, is an ecosystem of start-ups, innovators and professionals.
Gold Lotus recognises the fundamental need to be continually engaged with non-native English speaking communities as a way to develop our educational technology in a more fit-for-purpose and engaging way. SELLALAB helps us achieve this.
The tide of technology is forever changing our lives and reshaping how we view the world around us. Being part of the SELLALAB reflects our commitment to investing not only in cutting-edge technology as a way of helping people learn English, but underlining the huge importance we place on the physical, human experience as part of learning and cultural exchange.
To blindly juggernaut along the rails of technology without embracing the key role humans can play in teaching, learning and coll